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About Us

Welcome to The Coffee Lounge Business Directory & Membership - supporting female small business owners within the UK (and Ireland) to grow both personally and professionally.


Being a small business owner is like climbing on a rollercoaster ride that has you giddy with excitement, screaming in moments of fear and looking for the next twist and turn ahead.  It is the most exhilarating experience ever but it is so much more fun when you have your buddy riding along with you.


That's what we are - your rollercoaster buddy!  We will be there to encourage you to step through those comfort zones, to give you that reassuring look because we know you can do anything you put your mind to and we will be there to calm the fear when the drops come and celebrate with you when you hit those highs.

Image of Nikki Bailey, Founder

Nikki's Story

When something more scary comes along


As a busy mum of 2 children under the age of 6, running a house and working opposites ends of the day with my husband so we didn't have the financial pressures of childcare I was exhausted.  I, like many mums felt a pull form every direction but also felt there was no other choice as my income was very much needed along with my husbands.


I had thought about setting up my own business many times, to help bring about some balance in my life, but having held a position within Social Services for 18yrs the idea of stepping away from that security was scary not to mention I had no idea on how to run a business!


However, in February 2014 I was given the shocking news that I had blood cancer, this had been picked up during routine blood tests and I had no idea at all it was sitting there in my body.  This made me take a long hard look at my life, the things that were important to me that I was missing out on, how tired I was trying to meet all the responsibilities I had, leaving no time to prioritise looking after ME.


Taking the jump to become self-employed didn't seem so scary anymore, in fact not jumping and still being in the same place in another 12 months seemed overwhelmingly scary.


Climbing on the rollercoaster ride


I started my first business in July 2015 along side my employed position, and my goodness it was a steep learning curve!  I became very good at researching and absorbing information needed to get my business off the ground, but that hard work paid off and in April 2016 I jumped onto the rollercoaster ride called 'Small Business Owner' filled with excitement and stepped away from the security of my long service employment.


Where did everyone go?


18 years of being part of a team to then becoming a one woman band was a shock!  Who do I go to when I have a problem or need some feedback, where is the structure and rota, who holds me accountable for the tasks I need to be completing .... who reassures me when the imposter syndrome kicks in?


My family and friends didn't really get what I was doing, bless them they tried to and they supported in the only why they knew, but I felt alone... I needed to find other small business owners and create my own little team.

This was not as easy as it sounds ... first there were the stuffy corporate style networking events with 60 second pitches (I mean do they ever really work?) that had me questioning who I thought I was!

Then there were the networking groups online that lacked any form of authentic communication and consistently being sold to!


You don't have to do it alone


But with every mistake and uncomfortable experience I grew, I learnt what worked for me and what didn't and fast forward to today I have taken all of that and created a safe and supportive space for women like myself to grow and develop both personally and professionally at a rate that is right for them, to enable them to never feel alone on this journey whilst they take every step forward towards creating the life they want for themselves and achieving their version of success!


There are multiple ways in which I do this and something for every budget (including a zero budget) because let's be real here, most of us start off with not a penny in the pot.


For more information on how you can work with us please check out the  'How we can help you' tab in the menu above.

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